Psalm 143

So, evidently, I’m a little crazy. The only thing I’ve memorized since my kids were born, have been to-do lists. Other than that, not much else has entered my brain.

As you know, I have been doing the Maximize Your Mornings Challenge over at Inspired to Action. Part of MYM is to get some time in the Word before you start your day. I have been taking part in the Philippians study with Katie at Do Not Depart. I learned a lot from the study, and I am so motivated to dive deeper into the Bible. I can’t wait for the next study. In the meantime, Katie is memorizing Psalm 143, so I’m going to join in. I know, I’m a little crazy. I still have VBS hangover, so I’m going with that as my excuse. I started memorizing on Saturday, and so far, I’ve memorized the first 3 verses, and hoping to memorize another 4 verses by the end of the week.

Anyone want to join in? Are you memorizing anything lately?

– Joyce

22 thoughts on “Psalm 143

  1. I am HORRIBLE at memorizing Scripture, yet the verses that I have memorized have been used by me in conversation over and over and over. Obviously it’s something I should do more of.

    • You should get Krew the Seeds of Worship set. It is so fun to memorize Scripture to music…esp fun music like for the kiddos. I have a hard time with remember the reference though.

  2. Pingback: Our Week in Photos (Week 32 of 52) | Keeping up with the Moys

  3. Pingback: Psalm 143 Mid-Month Update | Keeping up with the Moys

  4. Pingback: Psalm 143 I Did It! | Keeping up with the Moys

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