Moy Garden 2014

We have spring break this week, so I figured we finish all the “work” so we can “play” all week. 🙂

On Saturday, I spent all day cleaning stuff inside the house…as in laundry, Swiffering, vacuuming, cleaning mirrors and windows, scrubbing the sinks, etc. Norm gave the lawn a much needed mow. Melody picked weeds. Emily? I’m not sure what she was doing. I think she was probably crafting or making sure to move our to-do Post-its to the completed side once we were done. :p

And since spring is indeed here, it was time to take a trip Evergreen Nursery.

None of us have a green thumb, so some plants don’t make it, but tomatoes have never failed us. 🙂

Even if you aren’t picking any plants up from the nursery, it is a fun place to visit. I think they have workshops from time to time. I think maybe we need to attend some of those workshops. :p


Taking a break?

Taking another break? :p

To be continued… come back to see what other plants the girls chose to plant in our garden this year. 🙂

Are you growing anything in your garden? What will you be growing?

Related posts:
*How Does Our Garden Grow
*Gardening Workshop

Garden 2013: Evergreen Nursery

I figure we should post about our garden before harvest time. We already picked some tomatoes!

Below are photos captioned and typed my Melody! 🙂

Evergreen Sign


There were so many flowers.

Me and my flower

Us and Emily’s flower

What a wonderful place

What a big cart we have!

Koi pond

Flowers all around me. There is a ton of flowers.

My sister is looking for the perfect flower.

Isn’t that a wonderful flower?

Note from Melody’s mom: Some of the flowers pictures are what we have growing in our yard, along with artichoke plant and tomato plants (One tomato plant was given to us by a lovely church friend who can grow anything!! She is also in an upcoming Dahlia show if anyone is interested. I can give you info.) We also have/had a chayote squash plant, but perhaps a neighborhood critter got to it. 😦 We’re still working on getting our green thumbs.

Anyone have any tips on turning our brown thumbs green? Please don’t say Miracle Gro. :p Have you taken a trip to the nursery? If so, what did you get there?