What Do We Have Hair?

If you know me, or have been following the blog for awhile, you may know a few things about me…one of them being that I am pretty low maintenance. While I don’t want to go out and scare people with my appearance (I hope I don’t anyway), I also don’t do much in terms of hair or makeup. That’s just me. When I was younger, I did love figuring out how to do different hairstyles, not necessarily for going out, just fun to try. My mom does not know how to do hair at all, so I am thankful for awesome friends who taught me, namely Breanne. 🙂 For the longest time though I could only do a French braid on my own hair, but not other people’s hair, and I’m still not that great at it.

Anyhow, fast forward to present day. I have two girls. They had/have long hair. You can read all of our “hairy” stories HERE. I was pretty unmotivated to do their hair (for no reason, probably just lazy :p haha), but when I did get chances to do their hair, I really enjoyed it. I like chatting with them while we sat together. And lately, Emily has been brushing my hair. I must say it is quite relaxing. So this has nothing to do with anything, but I figured you all needed a break from my decluttering talk.

We have been watching some videos on Cute Girls Hairstyles on Youtube. I have tried several on the girls (half mermaid, waterfall, rope twist, 3D braid, microbraid, etc.), but have only gotten pics of a few of them. ‘Hair’ you have it:

Fishtail Braid
This is Emily before her 5th birthday party. She requested a fishtail braid because her favorite Rainbow Loom bracelet to make is the fishtail one. (Yes, I know that one in the pic is not the same way as the others. It bothers me too.) I did a braid at the top on each side and added it to the bigger braid as I went along. I can’t wait for her hair to be long again, so I can do this. I need to look for hairstyles for shorter hair. It is taking awhile to grow back. I learned to do this one in 4th grade. Love it!

20140503_17192520140503_17195520140503_173701Crazy Hair
Not a real hairstyle for going out unless this is how you roll. This was just wacky hair day at our homeschool group. During the school year, the girls also have wacky hair day at two other groups that they are a part of, and it’s just fun to do whatever! :p

20141017_110907Half Mermaid Braid
This was my first attempt at the half mermaid braid. I have tried it several times since then and it looks better than this now. :p I like it, but it gets messy really easily, and it’s not an easy fix once it is messed up.

20141021_135705Waterfall Twist Rope Braid
This one is way easier than it looks. I really like it, but the top waterfall part doesn’t always stay because Melody’s hair is so shiny. You can see it better on non-black hair, but no plans for changing up hair color anytime soon…or ever. :p

20141213_11101220141213_111032That’s all I have for you right now! Let me know if you enjoyed this super random post, and I will try and post more hairstyles. Thanks! 🙂

Do you have any favorite hairstyles? Are there any you want me to try on Melody before she has short her again?

5 thoughts on “What Do We Have Hair?

  1. My very first friendship was based on playing with each other’s hair – I agree, it is totally relaxing and I am super happy when Meredith plays with my hair. She has not yet learned to be focused on it for any length of time, unfortunately for me.

  2. Pingback: Blog Year in Review {2015} | Keeping up with the Moys

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