It’s Been Almost 2 Years….

…since my last haircut.

I know people probably wonder why my hair is so long. I would wonder too. I wonder why other people’s hair is long too. It is usually not the same reason as mine. If you have been following our blog for 2 years, and if you actually know me in real life, you know the reason.

I donate my hair.

Making the Cut: The Story of My Hair
Making the Cut: My Hairy Adventure

When I was a tutor, one of my students’ moms asked me about my haircut, and I told her I donated my hair. She was soooo confused and asked me again, like maybe I got mixed up in my Chinese wording (I worked at my church in Chinatown). Nope, my Chinese was fine…I told her again that I donated my hair and explained it to her. She said she didn’t understand.

So anyhow, I do believe I said the last time I donated would be my last time growing it to donate. Well, here I am again.

Here is where I need your help. Also, if you know me at all, you know I pretty much suck at anything that is related to fashion or style. (My strong dislike of shopping of any kind should be an indication of that.) So, my dear readers (all 4 of you (I know! There has been an increase in readership!)), what kind of cut should I get?

It has to be something easy to style because honestly, when I have short hair (or even long), there are some days I don’t even brush it. And the extent of my styling equipment and products…okay, fine, I don’t own any styling equipment or products. I do have a brush and a comb though. =)

Send me photos, send me links, HELP ME! I don’t actually know when I’ll make the cut. It is very traumatic for me every time I do this, so I need to gear myself up. I know, I have issues. Yes, Norm knew this before he asked me to marry him.

Here is how my hair looks…I’m not trying to sell you the book, this is just the most recent (and probably only) photo of me without a kid blocking me and all my hair showing…although it is an interesting book.

And here are the short cuts I’ve had…they’re all pretty similar. :\ So you can just look at the first one and watch me age. :p

After the 1st Cut ('02)

After the 2nd Cut ('04)

After the 3rd Cut - 3 Months Later ('07)

After the 4th Cut - 1 Week Later ('09) A few days before Emily was born

7 thoughts on “It’s Been Almost 2 Years….

  1. I feel the same way! It’s been a year since my hair was cut last, and it’s looking kind of pathetic.

    Your hair looks super cute in the 3rd picture (’07).

    Do you think you’ll go with an actual style? Or just go with a generally shorter length?

  2. I love love love the third picture! You should definitely go with that cut. I’m totally in the same boat of minimal hair maintenance. I wanted to donate my hair the last time I got it cut, but it wasn’t quite long enough. 😦 thanks for the inspiration though; maybe I’ll be patient and let it grow long enough this time around.

  3. Pingback: Our Week in Photos (Week 3 of 52) « Keeping up with the Moys

  4. Hi there! Thanks for your comment on my blog 🙂

    Yep, The 3rd cut is definitely the winner here! You could go for something similar, but with an angle cut which is quite stylish at the moment, and easy to maintain with straight hair.

    this is a nice example:×352.jpg

    or this picture:

    post a picture of when you cut!
    Its always exciting to have a change and a freshen up!

  5. Pingback: Making the Cut: The Fourth Donation « Keeping up with the Moys

  6. Pingback: Another Hairy Story | Keeping up with the Moys

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