Our Week in Photos (Week 14 of 52)

*Last day of CC *sad face*
*The girls performed in the children’s choir for Palm Sunday worship service. They played the hand chimes for the first time in front of an audience.
WEEK 14 OF 52 album

*Meeting a new friend today
*Egg decorating party
*Double date
*Norm’s Birthday!
*Start memorizing John 1:1-14 for the next 7 weeks

This Week’s Post
*Phone Photo: Cake
*Romans 8: Hidden in My Heart
*Phone Photos: Winter Edition 2012

It was a challenging week to say the least, but I made it…I think. Thank you so much to those of you who send me a message after my plea for encouragement. =p I’m really excited about a few things that are coming up…or will possibly be coming up. I’ll keep you posted. =) Did you have any challenges this week? How did you overcome them?

– Joyce

Photos by Joyce Moy, Mar 28, 2012

Vodpod videos no longer available.

2 thoughts on “Our Week in Photos (Week 14 of 52)

  1. Love all the pics…you are such a fun mom! Sorry you have had a rough week, hope things turn around and you have an amazing Easter weekend! Blessings to you!

  2. Hi Joyce! I hope that you are having a wonderful Easter Weekend so far. Our weather finally turned nice, so we are going to spend most of today outdoors. I hope it holds for the big Easter Egg hunt at Nana and Papa’s tomorrow afternoon.

    I wasn’t on line all week but I’m glad you have people in your life to encourage you. We all have rough days/weeks and it’s times like those that I am so thankful for the prayer warriors in my life. I hope you have a better upcoming week.


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