Craft: Banner

I turned this…

…and this….

…into this.

I always have cardstock around, and the ribbon is all a tangled mess from the balloons our siblings bought the girls for their birthdays.

Melody helped picked the colors and also with the triangle cutting. Emily helped to punch the holes where the ribbon goes.

I’m totally not creative when it comes to crafts. I don’t come up with my own ideas. I just steal borrow them from around the Internet.

– Joyce

2 thoughts on “Craft: Banner

  1. I really love this banner! And I love the internet for getting ideas 🙂 I love how the girls helped…so sweet!! By the way, I drove over to the San Leandro (sp?) Target and thought of you because I think you mentioned that target before. Maybe we’ll see each other there one day (or at MOPS if I can clear my schedule) 🙂

  2. Pingback: Our Week in Photos (Week 33 of 52) | Keeping up with the Moys

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