Our Week in Photos (Week 38)

What Happened?
*Grandma’s 108th Birthday Celebration
*1st MOPS of the year
*Dinner and a Movie
*Date Night
*19th Kaiser Permanente Dragon Boat Festival
*Eat Real Festival

What’s Happening?
*Tilden Farm Outing with Young Families group
*Compassion Experience
*Alameda MOPPETS (get my baby fix!)
*1st Project Praise choir rehearsal of the year
*Silicon Valley Brain Tumor Walk
*AB’s Birthday Party

We kicked off the week by celebrating my grandma’s birthday! It’s always fun to see family. It really takes me a whole week to recover from the weekends, so the usual stuff happened, and we packed in another full weekend with the girls heading to Dinner and a Movie at church, which was Frozen, and Norm and I heading to Tofu House for a much-needed date night. We went out early to Treasure Island for the 19th Kaiser Permanente Dragon Boat Festival to cheer on my BIL who was racing with On Lok. We saw a few people we knew, so that was a nice surprise. It was our first time there. It was super fun, but next time we know how to prepare. I heard there were about 200 teams and 3000 paddlers? Since it was on the way home, we stopped off in Jack London Square for the Eat Real Festival. I’m not sure why, but it seemed a bit different this year. I wasn’t particularly thrilled about any of the vendors or food trucks that were there. And there you have it, another week. 🙂

Click here or on the image(s) below, and then click on slideshow on the upper right hand side. My creative captions are a must-read. :p

*Note: If when you click on the slideshow, it brings you to the photo album, just close it and continue to watch the slideshow on our blog.

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