To Walk or Stay by Lara Williams

I am not even really sure what to say, or how I can add to the conversations about Lara Williams’ book To Walk or Stay. Fellow HelloMornings friends Katie, Amanda, and some others amazing women (<— scroll to bottom for links) have much better words than I do to share what this book is all about.

To Walk or Stay CoverI did not know what to expect when I started reading Lara’s book. She wanted some of us from the HelloMornings team to help her “raise our sword against the enemy” because “[h]e is absolutely attacking marriages because he hates that it’s meant to reflect Jesus.” Of course, I want to do that, but I was not sure what my own personal takeaway would be from the book. To walk or stay? If I was posed with that question for our marriage in hard times, I would say ‘stay’. That would be the right answer, right? Well, I was blown away by the message that God has for the readers through this book. If you have ever heard Lara speak before, you will know that she can preach it. (And a little trivia: she also raps.)

Even though the backdrop of the book is the infidelity and betrayal in her marriage, that is not the whole story. I love what Lara says in her promo video.

“This really isn’t just a book about marriage, it’s about a really big God who wants to meet us in the darkest of valleys and administer hope and life and healing. He’s just that GOOD.”

“It is about a faithful, able sufficient God who has abundance for His children.”

To Walk or Stay Promo Video from Lara Williams on Vimeo.

Whether you are struggling in your marriage or not, we are imperfect people married to another imperfect person. Before getting married, we all had expectations of what marriage would be like (or if you’re not married yet, what it will look like). If we are all honest, it is NOT what we expected. We want that “happily ever after” story. *cue Disney princess movie music* That ending is within our reach, if we keep our relationship Christ-centered, but it definitely takes a lot of hard work. We can see that God can take something that is broken, and restore it to beauty.

Die to self quote from To Walk or StayI love the Small Group Discussion and Digging Deeper sections at the end of each chapter. I look forward to being a part of the To Walk or Stay book club that starts in April. Make sure you get your own copy of the book and join in. (Chapter 8 discussion will be hosted right here on our blog.)

To Walk or Stay Book ClubFrom
Her marriage slowly deteriorated behind the facade of a happy, Christian home. After six years together, with three young children, Lara discovered the devastating reality of her husband’s marital betrayal.Lara gives tender guidance to any woman walking the unexpected paths of betrayal. But even more than that, she testifies of the victorious life in Christ available to everyone, regardless of any shattered hopes or suffocating fears.

Podcast Interview by Bible Geek Gone Wild

Get the book or enter to win a copy over on Tracie’s blog, Inspired to Action (5 winners) Sheila’s blog, The Better Mom (5 winners), Christie’s blog, Francie’s blog (5 winners), Patti’s blog (1 winner), or Jennifer’s blog (<–new local blogger I’m stalking following, 2 winners). (You can also win stuff on Lara’s blog.)

– Joyce