“To Walk or Stay” Book Club :: Chapter 8 Discussion {Waiting in Belief}

Welcome to the “To Walk or Stay” Book Club! I’m so honored to be a part of the big things God is doing through Lara’s book. There has been some great conversations on the topics of control, thoughts, beauty, rights, divorce, and forgiveness throughout the “To Walk or Stay” book club discussions. Today we will be talking about Chapter 8: Waiting in Belief.

And though words of faith came out of my mouth, deep in my spirit I doubted whether full restoration would ever be our experience.

Waiting. That is a hard place to be. No one will ever tell you their favorite thing to do is to wait. Isn’t there a statistic about how we are waiting for a huge chunk of our lives? Waiting for what we do not know is especially hard. When you know what is to come, whether it is a good thing or a bad thing, at least you can somewhat prepare yourself. Are we like Zechariah, growing to expect more suffering? We have already heard about his miracles and we have seen His amazing power, and so we believe. But waiting…in belief? It’s not easy.

Image Source: alifetimeofwisdom.com

Image Source: alifetimeofwisdom.com

We live in a time of instant gratification. When our smartphones take an eighth of a second too long to refresh, we get frustrated. <–Or maybe that’s just me. o_o When the hostess tells us the wait will be ‘x’ minutes long, we leave for a restaurant with a shorter line. When we were young, we couldn’t wait to graduate, find a job, get married, start a family…whatever it was, we didn’t want to wait for it. When we are waiting on God, perhaps it is worth the wait.

Anytime I have looked back at the trials and challenges in my life, I see that God truly did work things out in His perfect timing…every. single. time. Whether it was in a time of joblessness or searching for a home or schooling our children, if I had chosen my own plans so I wouldn’t have to wait, I would have settled for less than what He has given me as a result of waiting in belief, trusting that He had something greater for me. And He did have something greater for me.

8560439428_d679bbdeebCheck out Lara’s interview over at Bible Geek Gone Wild if you haven’t already done so. If you don’t have 18 minutes and 31 seconds right now to listen to the whole thing, fast forward to 7:40 where Lara talks about this chapter and about living in God’s timing. Author Talks – Episode 18 – Lara Williams

When God designed marriage, He designed it to reflect Him. It isn’t about us, we make it about us, but it’s about Him…If we could learn to pause and to press into God for wisdom and to seek his guidance instead of running to everything else in the planet for wisdom, the landscape for Christian marriage would be very different.

And this is how we can wait in belief. While not all things were designed to reflect God like marriage does, this could be true for many things in our lives. If we turn to Him in prayer, and seek Him in His Word, our actions and the outcome of we are waiting for would be different. As Lara has mentioned before, she would have completely missed a blessing if she chose to walk instead of waiting in belief to stay.

Discussion Questions:

  1. Share a time in your life when your faith was greatly tested. How did God minister to you in that time?
  2. Practically speaking, how can we remain steadfast-believing God’s promises-through the trials?
  3. In the digging deeper section, we looked at Hebrews 11:1-12:2. The last question asked, “How does He want you to apply what you read?” How did you respond?

I would love for each of you to join in the conversation in the comments below by answering the questions. It would be awesome if you could respond to at least one other person’s comment, too! Keep the discussion going, and interact with fellow book club members. Pray for one another as we journey together.

32 thoughts on ““To Walk or Stay” Book Club :: Chapter 8 Discussion {Waiting in Belief}

  1. Pingback: "To Walk or Stay" Book Club :: Chapter 8 {Waiting in Belief} - To Overflowing

  2. This chapter discussion? It could not have come at a more perfect time. I have been thrown this week into the “waiting” and I honestly can’t see how God is at work, how He will provide. It’s terrifying. But I know that God goes before me, He hasn’t left me and He knows the cries of my heart. Maybe one day I’ll come back to this post & share how He was faithful, but today? I can do nothing but lean on Him.

  3. Oh how I needed this. My husband lost his job at our church last week. We are devastated. While we mourn, we also have to out our feet forward and pursue what God might have next. Waiting is hard. But waiting in belief? I’d never thought of it that way. I KNOW God knows best and can even turn the hardest of circumstances where if feels like fellow believers became enemies who were out to get us…God can bring good from even that!

    • Jessica, I’m so sorry for your pain and I know that I know that God is tender to your tears. I’m also certain that He goes before and behind you and like you said, He will faithfully work this out according to His will. Praying that you mourn in faith, riding the waves of emotion that will inevitably come. And praying that this will prove to be a season of a deep, intimate clinging to your God.

    • You are in my prayers, Jessica. I know it’s really hard to see it right now but you are so right in believing God can bring good from this. He sees the big picture and that’s why we have to trust Him.

    • Oh, Jessica! It is a hard place to be where you don’t know what it next…been there.

      He will provide! Praying He will be your strength, and that He will grant you great grace to cling to Him through it all…

    • Jessica, We are praying for you and your husband. We have been through that road more than once, and He has been faithful to us, giving us something better than we could have imagined.

  4. I’m actually on the other side as I’m beginning to see some things that I’ve been waiting for come to pass and it’s amazing! What God has shown me through this chapter, though, is how what I thought was faith in God was actually faith in me. (ouch) I don’t struggle to believe in the areas where I “feel” I have some control. Areas of my life where I don’t have to depend on anyone else are easy to have faith in but other areas, like my marriage, where the actions of others, that I can’t control, are involved, that’s where I struggle. So, knowing that I need to put my faith totally in God-not me or my husband-has been tough and eye-opening but God is showing me how to do it, one step at a time. He had me do some things yesterday that I never would have done before reading this chapter. I want to put my trust in Christ alone!

  5. This was my favorite chapter in Lara’s book because it speaks to where I’m at right now. I’ve been waiting in faith for almost two years–TWO YEARS! Some days are easier than others, but God keeps showing up and giving me grace for one day at a time. It’s like He leaves little crumbs along the trail to keep me going. I’ve experienced Him in ways I never could have imagined, and the intimacy that has evolved is amazing. Like Lara, I’ve chosen to stay, believing that what God will bring on the other side will be better than I could ever imagine, but man some days this waiting gets old!!! I always thought the blessings would come with restoration, but I’ve seen some amazing blessings WHILE I’m waiting.

    • Wow- I love your testimony of Jesus in the Waiting. You are definitely onto something! The INTIMACY with God in the waiting is one of the greatest gifts we could ask for. There are no words for what it’s like to simply lean on Him…but intimacy is the result, and there’s nothings sweeter. Praying for you, Katie, to go even deeper than you could imagine possible in love with Jesus as you wait in faith, and as you cling to His sufficiency and power. May the Lord do more than you could ask, imagine or expect in terms of your marriage, family and relationships. God bless you!

    • Katie, I am praying for you. The waiting certainly is not easy. I’m so glad to hear that you are choosing to stay. In this waiting period, I think of Romans 8:24-25 “For in this hope we were saved. Now hope that is seen is not hope. For who hopes for what he sees? But if we hope for what we do not see, we wait for it with patience.” We have believed that He has saved us, so we must also believe that He will bring healing and restoration to us as well. He is so much bigger than we can fathom.

  6. Pingback: Our Week in Photos (Week 23 of 52) | Keeping up with the Moys

  7. Waiting in faith…such a place of grace, really. And I love that about God! He gives the gift of faith graciously. Because if it were up to me, there would be very little strength to believe in some of the waiting times. But I have found that when my heart is yielded, His grace provides faith that I couldn’t conjure up on my own. He is such a gracious God, isn’t He ladies? A thankful heart today. Praying for you to encounter Him in powerful and deep ways today.

  8. Pingback: Book Club: Chapter 8 on Waiting in Belief | Up, In, and Out

  9. Pingback: [To Walk or Stay] Ch 6: Leaving would mean I miss a blessing. » A Life Surrendered

  10. Pingback: “To Walk or Stay” Book Club :: Chapter 9 Discussion {Prayer} | Keeping up with the Moys

  11. 1. Share a time in your life when your faith was greatly tested. How did God minister to you in that time? I am not sure if my faith has been “greatly tested.” However when I have had times of doubt or confusion I really believe that the Holy Spirit was ministering to my soul and mind, drawing me back to Him ever so gently.
    2. Practically speaking, how can we remain steadfast-believing God’s promises-through the trials? Having someone to pray with & encourage you like a spouse or prayer partner. I know it sounds easy but seriously sometimes the easy answer is the answer!
    3. In the digging deeper section, we looked at Hebrews 11:1-12:2. The last question asked, “How does He want you to apply what you read?” How did you respond? I have to steal a quote from the book to answer this “Faith is learned, one day at a time.”

    My favorite part of this chapter was right at the end….. “Faith means we’re convinced that God will absolutely perform what He has promised……”

  12. Pingback: “To Walk or Stay” Book Club :: Chapter 10 Discussion {Redeeming Power} | Keeping up with the Moys

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