Summer Reading Game 2011 Begins

The Summer Reading Game started last Monday!! I am so excited that the little ones get to participate this year.

See if you can find Melody and Emily (or me!) in this clip from CV Library’s blog:

Head over to your library to sign up!

You can read more about the SUMMER READING GAME on the blog.

– Joyce

4 thoughts on “Summer Reading Game 2011 Begins

  1. Pingback: Our Week in Photos (Week 24 of 52) « Keeping up with the Moys

  2. Pingback: A Summer Reading Program for Me! « Keeping up with the Moys

  3. Pingback: Melody’s First Prize « Keeping up with the Moys

  4. Pingback: Our Week in Photos (Week 48 of 52) | Keeping up with the Moys

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