Not Your Average Blogger

I’ve been blogging since 2004 (right before our engagement actually). I don’t think too many people read my blogs, but really, I just used it to document the day to day activities of my life so I can look back and remember what happened. Although, it is fun to interact with people through the comments or with polls. I don’t share any deep stuff. I actually don’t really know too many bloggers in real life…maybe a handful at most? So I wanted to check out who the average blogger is. I couldn’t find too much, but here’s a picture of a blogger…

I got most of the images at Technorati, except for the first one below. Sooo…it looks like the average blogger is a 37.6-year-old, white male from California, blogging for 2-4 years, with a graduate degree, who makes $100-$150K in the corporate world. Apparently, I’m not your average blogger. I’m about 7 years too young, will never become a guy, have been blogging for 6 years, only have a BS (and 1 class away from another AA), and I don’t make diddly squat.

– Joyce

How about you? Do you fit in to the “average” blogger description?

2 thoughts on “Not Your Average Blogger

  1. hmm, interesting info! but i’m not surprised that i’m not the average blogger either. though it is a little surprising how low the percentage is for asians, since there seems to be so many that i come across. guess it depends on what you’re looking for! i’ve been blogging for almost six years now and like you, mostly do it to keep a family journal for my kids to read when they’re older. i find it way easier for me to keep up with it instead of scrapbooking or journaling by hand (so sad, i get hand cramps 2-3 sentences in!). though i really do appreciate the comments left on my entries– like from you! so thanks for taking the time to do that. 🙂

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